Notable Club Changes Coming

Our meeting on Wednesday 15 May 2024 was a face to face meeting at which some notable Club changes were debated by the Club concerning projects and structure.  The meeting was led by our Joint Presidents Elect, Ros and Ritu.

Starting with a forecast of how the Club will compare in the future to its past days, four areas were examined in detail:

  1. The Club Activities;
  2. The Club Projects;
  3. The Club Meetings; and
  4. The Public and Social Media Profile of the Club.

During the discussion, members took full advantage of the opportunities for debate and regularly added to the ideas being considered, both from the past and for the future.

The structural committees of the Club were analysed, and weaknesses identified.  Alternative methods of working were proposed and analysed in some detail.

For all these changes to work, the Club needs to find new Rotarians and new ways of doing that are being developed.  At the same time, the Club needs to retain its existing members, and that is important too if the Club’s work in the community, at home and abroad, is to continue.  There was also recognition that the Club needs money and resources to continue its work and the time has come for new methods to be closely considered and then put into practice.

We will start the changes on 01 July 2024, and that leaves just enough time to flesh out the plans and move forward.  Exciting days are coming.

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