District Governor Visits Us

Our meeting on Wednesday 19 July 2023 was a face to face meeting with the District Governor making her Official Visit to the Club.  Making a visit to us just 19 days into the year is a privilege and was much appreciated by the members.

DG Suraiya Kassamally brought greetings from the Rotary International President, R Gordon R McInally who has set the theme for the year as “Create Hope in the World”, as well as the Chairman of Rotary GB&I (Great Britain and Ireland).  The RI President has asked for special emphasis to be placed on Mental Health in the coming year, especially as he had suffered the loss of a family member through Mental Health issues.

DG Suraiya called for support for a Mental Health on-line seminar on 10 August 2023 at 2pm, and also for the District Conference and other events.  She then showed the Club the Certificate of the new Rotary e-Club of Bipolar that has been formed in the London District.

DG Suraiya urged the Club to make sure that all its work is recorded on the Rotary Showcase at Rotary International,  Without it being recorded, no one will know what the Club has achieved.

DG Suraiya called on the Club Members to support the Rotary Foundation – something that she personally has done, leading to her election to the Arch Klumpf Society (Arch Klumpf helped start the Rotary Foundation in 1917).  She also spoke briefly about the London District Hub being set up whereby people can become Rotarians without actually having to join a Club; they get full access to the Rotary Website, and can assist Rotary Clubs with their projects.

President Mike thanked DG Suraiya for her address, and for emphasising Mental Health as an issue and for her leadership of the London District for the coming year. DG Suraiya then presented President Mike with a badge featuring this year’s theme.

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