Stanmore Past and Present

Our speaker on Wednesday 17 August 2022 was John Williams, Chairman of the Stanmore Society.  Before he spoke, we had the usual reports on the welfare of the Club members and one item of good news – the drought over the last month or so had ended earlier in the day.

John Williams explained how and why The Stanmore Society had been formed in 1959, and showed the plans for the Harrow Bypass and the Stanmore Bypass.  The Harrow Bypass was built but is now an area of housing: the Stanmore Bypass never really got going.  Stanmore originated as two villages, both of which are in the Doomsday Book.

John showed us how Stanmore had changed with the growth of London, and the growth in population.  We were also shown some of the features in Stanmore which The Stanmore Society has managed to preserve including the street planters, the bus routes, and the public benches in the main shopping parade.

We were also shown photos of many buildings that are no longer with us.  It was in interesting and inspiring talk.

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