Spend Spend Spend continued!

Following the Club’s successful application for a Rotary Foundation Ukraine Grant, the Club has now established a connection with the Rotary Club of Chisinau Triumph in neighbouring Moldova, the country that has received many Ukrainian refugees.

Using our Rotarian Networking Skills, the Club made contact with many local wholesalers and has been spending the money donated by the Rotary Foundation.  A small portion of the overall items purchased needed to be collected from a member’s home, and this took place on Saturday 20 August 2022, as shown in the photos.

The load is being assembled by our friends in Felsted Aid for Deprived Children (https://www.uk-aid.org/) , a charity that has been delivering aid into Ukraine for over 25 years.  With the current situation in Ukraine, it has not been possible to drive safely into Ukraine, and so they have diverted some of their aid to Ukrainian refugees arriving across the border in Moldova.

The entire load of aid is currently being assembled in a warehouse in Essex, and is due to head for the refugees in Moldova at the end of this month.  An update will follow once the aid is on its way.

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