Migraine & Covid Affect Club

Our meeting on Wednesday 02 November 2022 was to have a speaker, but in the event both our speaker and our Club present were unable to attend.  Our speaker was suffering from a severe migraine, but will speak to the Club when another date has been arranged.  Our Club President and his wife had both tested positive for Covid-19 and so were shielding from the other Club members.  We hope our President will be well enough to chair next week’s meeting.

Meanwhile, our intrepid travellers – June and Dick – had been to France for a short break and managed to meet some members from the Rotary Club of Conches en Ouche in District 1640 in Normandy at their local apple festival.  The event was well attended and a good time was had by all.

Also in attendance at the meeting was our Rotary Global Grant Scholar, Marlene Willimek, who spoke about her background and her current studies in London. Many members complimented her on her flawless English.

Instead of our speaker, there was a short TED Talk from James Veitch who described what happened when he had replied to a Spam Email that had purportedly come from Nigeria and was offering enormous sums of money for receiving gold bullion.

Next week, we are looking forward to an on-line Business Meeting.

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