Architecture of Sikh Temples

Our speaker on Wednesday 26 October 2022 was our own member Amrit Mediratta who had designed, specified and overseen the construction of two Sikh Temples in the London suburb of Hounslow.

Amrit had made a special trip to Amritsar before undertaking the task, and used what he had learned on the trip in his designs for the two temples.  The first temple was completed in 1992, and the second one was completed in 2002.  The second temple featured strongly in his presentation as Her Majesty the Queen, accompanied by HRH The Duke of Edinburgh, had attended the official opening of the temple, and Amrit had been able to spend time with them answering their questions, and listening to their thoughts.

Amrit had also managed to organise a visit for the members of the Club in February 2006, and some of the photographs taken on that occasion featured in his presentation.

In a quick Special General Meeting held after the talk, Helen and Ritu were elected as the Club’s District Council Representatives, and the Club also chose its preferred candidate for District Governor 2025-2026.

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