Fellowship with Friends

Our meeting on Wednesday 23 March 2022 was a Fellowship Meeting with an opportunity to relate recent events and experiences to the other members of the Club.

There were the usual reports including a report on two former members who are down with Covid-19, and a decision for the Club to continue with our current web site host.

Despite the current situation with Ukraine defending itself from a massive onslaught (and doing well by all accounts). members had some updates on what was happening on the Aid front there.  There was also positive comment on the 14 pumps and appliances that had been donated by Kent Fire Brigade.

One member of the Club has gained citizenship of a country in mainland Europe without losing his UK Citizenship, and that led to more discussion.  At the same time we learned that a Friend of the Club has received a new posting in the Salvation Army that amounts to a promotion.

The meeting finished with a discussion of the forthcoming changes to bank notes in the UK and also the changes coming from the Royal Mail in connection with new stamps.

All told it was a happy and a short meeting.

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