Lightning Did Strike Twice

Our meeting on Wednesday 05 June 2024 featured one of our own members as the speaker, and was held as a face to face meeting at the Kenton Beefeater.

Our member Eric Silver described his talk as ‘Lightning Did Strike Twice’ with respect to him serving two terms as a mayor in two localities.

The first time was as the mayor of the London Borough of Harrow, an office that he held in the Mayoral Year 2009-2010.  During his year, he had many excitements including taking part in the London New Year’s Day Parade, as shown above.

His second year as mayor took place in 2017-2018 when he was Town Mayor for Elstree and Borehamwood.  With so much television and filming taking place in the town, Eric was even asked to appear in some live television programs as shown below.

This was an interesting and stimulating presentation that gave the members an insight into what is involved in being a Mayor in the 21st Century!

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