Now It Is Load Load Load!

After a couple of weeks’ hard work purchasing the aid for the Ukrainian Refugees managing to make their way to Moldova, it was time for a group of Rotarians and local volunteers to start the process of loading a trailer heading to Moldova.

Fortunately many of the items had been delivered on pallets, and had been wrapped in film so that the loads were held together and stable.  As well as sanitary items including toilet rolls, soap, sanitary towels and toothpaste, there were pallets of dried beans, rice, lentils and tomato paste.  Fortunately, Ukrainians know only too well how to use those items to make a tasty and nutritious meal.

The truck departed for Europe yesterday, and in the next couple of days will be travelling to our partner Rotarians in Moldova who have the onerous task of making sure that every last bean, lentil and toilet roll ends up with a family that is in real need.

You can see more photos from the event on Our Photo Album Page.

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