Rotary Forest School


Our speaker on Wednesday 22 June 2016 was the Rotary in London Treasurer, Selwyn Foreman who is a member in the Rotary Club of Edgware and Stanmore.

A Rotary Forest School is an exciting new concept that will mark Rotary’s contribution to the community in a way that will last for many years.  The current climate offers unique opportunities in setting up educational establishments, and Selwyn is very keen establish the first Rotary Forest School and to let everyone know how it is developing.

The concept of learning practical skills that lead to classroom skills is well known by many educationalists – and Rotarians! – but there still seems to be a gap to be closed with some of those who control local education.

We all wish Selwyn, and his team, the best and hope that this pilot project soon comes to fruition.

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