The Power of Art with Youth

Our meeting on Wednesday 25 October 2023 was an on-line meeting with a speaker – Caroline Evans, the President of the Rotary Club of Norwich St Edmund.  In addition to the talk, there was more good news from the Club Treasurer featuring progress being made with the Club Trust Fund and its dormant bank accounts, with the Data Protection Registration and with Gift Aid.  Also, the Club will be collecting at Morrisons in Hatch End on Wednesday 20 December 2023.  With the District Conference the previous weekend, there was a substantial list of visits to record!

Caroline then took us through the Youth Art Project that she had been involved in the Norwich Area, and how the project had been delivered to various groups in the community.  The positive outcomes from the project were stressed, and detailed information on how the project had been promoted successfully was provided.

As well as providing an opportunity for young people, the project also allows the community to see Rotary playing its role.  Details on the age and entry requirements were provided, and a recommendation was given on how to organise the entries into an art exhibition.

A sponsor was found that provided the prizes and offered professional coaching to the winning entrants.  This was an interesting talk that demonstrated what can be achieved with schools and colleges in the current difficulties, and was much appreciated by the members.  More details on Rotary Young Artist can be found here.

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