Starting the New Year with Hope

Our first meeting of 2023 took place, as in 2022, at the Dona Theresa Restaurant in Hatch End ( on Wednesday 04 January 2023.

Without the restrictions placed on us at this time last year, there was mixing between the tables, and there was no compulsory Lateral Flow Test before the meeting.  Many members brought guests and friends to the meeting and a good evening was had by all.  The world has changed immeasurably since last year with an invasion of a European Country, two changes of Prime Minister, the publication of the Congressional Committee investigating the events at the Capitol Building (Full report available here), Conferences concerning our planet and its climate, contested national elections and much more besides.

The food was excellent, the conversation flowed easily and it was an excellent way to start the year.  Our next face to face meeting will be back at our normal venue, The Kenton Beefeater on Wednesday 18 January 2023.  The Club will be meeting on-line on 11 January 2023.

We wish, for all our readers, that 2023 is the year that corrects many of the problems that the world experienced in 2022!

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