Diplomacy is for the Future

Our speaker on Wednesday 30 August 2023 was our Rotary Global Grant Scholar, Marlene Willimek, making her final visit to the Club.  She made a presentation that reminded us of her earlier information, provided on 01 March 2023, and then talked about her future plans.

With excellent English, French and German (her native language), she is likely to find a future with Europe, even if that does not mean living in Europe.  As well as London, Marlene has also studied in Osnabrück Germany, Montreal, Canada and Paris, France.

Her studies have been conducted despite the chaos caused by Covid-19, and she has a combined Masters Degree course, part of which was in Sciences Po (Paris) and and the final part was in the LSE (London).  Her immediate plans revolve around a Bluebook Placement in Brussels which she hopes will be followed by a PhD in London, studying the strategy and management of diplomacy in a crisis.  Her talk produced many questions, including questions about her half marathon in and around Kew Gardens, and the role of AI and ChatGPT in the future of diplomacy.  We wish her every success in her career.

The Club has been offered a meal discount next week, and the discount will enable a donation to the charity run by our speaker next week, which is appropriate since it is the Harrow Food Bank!

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