Governor Addresses Key Issue

Our speaker on Wednesday 07 September 2022 was our District Governor for 2022-2023, Brian Coleman who tackled the key issues facing Rotary in London in his talk.

London is an unusual Rotary District, certainly compared to many in the United Kingdom, in as much as we have a larger percentage of women in Rotary in the Clubs in London, and we have more younger Rotarians than many Districts.

DG Brian addressed equality and diversity in Rotary, as well as the drive to find new members using all the  tools and expertise available.  In particular, he addressed the cultural changes being adopted in the London area following the lock down transition to online meetings and activities.

DG Brian also spoke about the new style District Conference being trialled this year, and introduced some of the key speakers who would be there.  The talk led to many questions from the floor.

There were two awards on the evening, one to the local citizen who spotted our street planter being vandalised and a plant being stolen.  The plant was recovered and replanted, and the Club is very grateful.  The other award was presented by DG Brina to one of our members for outstanding work in gathering aid for Ukrainian refugees amongst many other Club activities.

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