Club Visited by Angels

Our meeting on Wednesday 23 June 2021 was meeting with a Speaker – Mayan Shah from Visiting Angels, an established (1998) operator in the Care Service sector.  Visiting Angels is a UK franchise aiming to set the standard for the Home Care Service, both in terms of the patient experience and in terms of the carer’s experience and career prospects.  Mayan Shah is managing director of the Middlesex franchise.

His talk covered the obstacles to a better Care Service, and his realisation as to how they could be overcome.  His mission is to ensure that in Middlesex, Visiting Angels becomes the care service employer of choice for the carers.  The solution involved changing the way in which care is delivered, which in turn would lead to a better patient experience and a better career path and experience for the carer.

The talk led to many questions, including a question about the Government’s forthcoming plan aiming to sort out the current care sector issues.

Next week will see the Club’s End of Year Handover Meeting.

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