Rotary & Inner Wheel Plant Sale


After setting up the gazebos and organising the plants on Friday afternoon, 17 May, we were ready for the onslaught early on Saturday morning. This was a joint venture between our Club and the Inner Wheel of Northwick Park. Sheila Andersson and Maureen MacDougall together with husband Colin, had the previous week bought over £100’s worth of bedding plants from the Garden Club in Crews Hill, and all these plants were sold. Additionally President Sandy had grown a variety of plants from seeds and cuttings since February in her greenhouse, as had Sheila, Maureen, and Rotary Club members Dick and June. Altogether, we had a good variety of plants for sale. The weather held on Saturday and although a bit cloudy, the atmosphere in the garden, and in the kitchen, where tea, coffee and cakes were served, was bright and cheery. Our Rotary Global Scholar Emily also came to help for the day. There were still some plants left over at the end, and these were taken to the BBQ the following weekend. The event raised nearly £300 which will be split between the Rotary Club of Northwick Park and the Inner Wheel Club of Northwick Park. A special word of thanks must go to all the gallant helpers who helped set up the gazebos on the Friday and took them down again on Saturday afternoon. Also Doug, Roy, Ritu, Harold, Len, Mike, and George, and the other helpers on the day in the kitchen and in the garden must be thanked. Val, Emily, Rosemary, Angela, Sheila, Maureen and Janet also played their part making the event a good joint effort and a nice day for all those that came.

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