Christmas Meeting Entertaining



The annual Christmas Meal Meeting was held on 17 December 2014. Although the bare essentials of a Rotary Meeting were observed, the emphasis was on fun and entertainment.

We had a marathon quiz trying to convert picture clues into film titles, the ever-present Heads and Tails, a quiz on general knowledge with a prize for each question for the first person to answer correctly, and a recitation of an updated, politically-correct ‘Night before Christmas’. But the most significant event was The Twelve Days of Christmas, with the audience divided into twelve groups, and each group being required to mime their gift each time! There was much laughter over the ‘six geese a-laying’ and the ‘eight maids a-milking’!

The venue put on a first class meal – with three courses for the special occasion, and the price of the meal included wine.

Finally, there was also time given over to the members of the Club who are not enjoying the best of health at the moment, and thoughts for our members tied up with other activities or travelling overseas.

The evening and its entertainment will be remembered for many years…

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